Helpful Resources

Psychological Support

helpful resources for emergency sheltersPsychological First Aide (PFA) App - App for your phone. Strongly encouraged for all volunteers Download App for Phone

Manuals and websites developed by other organizations

MRC Deployment Guide has lots of additional links and resources. Open PDF

Contra Costa Medical Reserve Corps has a lot of great resources. Website

Butte County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Partners Many resources including great infection control info. Website


Direct Relief - Get medical supplies delivered in 24 hours! Website

Medications List - Here is a list of medications that can be useful to have on hand at a shelter (courtesy of the Contra Costa MRC). You can use this list to request supplies from the County DOC, Local Hospital, or Direct Relief. Download PDF  Download Excel

Supplies List - Here is a list (Courtesy of DEMA) of some supplies that are very important to have at a shelter as you set up medical care. Some of these things are expensive (AED) but many others (Tape, pens, paper, extension cords) may be things you have around the house. All can be purchased without a prescription. This is a great list of things to try to source through social media. Download Excel

Most Basic List of needed Supplies to Set Up Download Excel


Medical Record Intake Form - This form is the basis for your paper chart. Thank you to Contra Costa MRC for this template. Download Form

Med Refill Forms - For use when people request refills. Cut into four. Download Form

Sign Out Sheet - Here is a downloadable form to help track things and people that need to be followed up on from one shift to the next. Download Form

Basic Progress Note - This Medical Progress Notes form has space for a doctor or other medical professional to record observations of condition throughout treatment. Download Form

Medication List - A simple form on which to log medications prescribed and frequency and time of taking them. Download Form

Nebulizer Treatment - This printable nebulizer treatment log tracks respiratory rate, pulse rate, oxygen saturation and more both before and after medication. Download Form

Over the Counter Meds PRN - We recommend using a blank sheet of paper where you write down the name of patient and the medicine dispensed. You may not need to make a chart for everyone you give a Tylenol to but it is good to put their name, and the time it was dispensed down.

Sample layouts for setting up shelters.

Diagram for a One-Room Shelter
D.E.M.A. Inc. - Petaluma Fairgrounds
D.E.M.A. Inc. - Mobile Medical Tent

Organizing Volunteers

SignUp Genius template for medical staffing in an evacuation center. We would be happy to share this premade template with you, but you will need to have a Sign Up Genius account first. If you want your site to be ad free and capable of creating spreadsheets you will need to sign up for a paid subscription. After you create an account, contact us and we will send you the template.

Disaster Healthcare Volunteers (DHV) - An online registration system for medical and healthcare volunteers. Provides limited liability and workers comp to volunteers. Website

Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) - A national network of local groups of volunteers engaging local communities to strengthen public health, reduce vulnerability, build resilience, and improve preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. Provides limited liability and workers comp to volunteers. Website

Childcare - When schools close due to disaster, many health care workers have no one to take care of their families. This app helps facilitate shared childcare arrangements and can dramatically increase your volunteer pool. Download App

Infection Control

List of all EPA registered sanitizers for Norovirus.

Curriculum Suggestions for Residency Programs

Sonoma County Public Health Preparedness Training Website

Virginia Department of Health Medical Reserve Corps Train Online - Free classes and good orientation to Incident Command Systems (ICS) and much more. Website

Disaster Medicine: Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents - American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) curriculum and bibliography View PDF

Public Health and Psychosocial Issues of Natural Disasters - Good training by the Austrailian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, however it is not free. Website